About Us
Who are we?

We love creating beautiful spaces.
While Hingham Nursery is probably the largest garden centre in Durban it also has a strong landscaping division. It is the creativity and a need for cutting edge product that comes from this.
Planters have always been a passion of owner Julie Scragg, importing glazed and terracotta containers from the East and transporting pots from other parts of the country to make them available in Durban. It was a natural fit for Japi Brazil, and when Julie saw these containers she knew that South Africa needs them. Japi planters are now in SA filling a gap in the market. Stylish lightweight planters, convenient and ideal for current decor trends.

Julie and the landscaping team off to work.
The Hingham history dates back to 1863

Just some of the huge range of planters available at Hingham Nursery

If you look throught the trees from the Tea Garden at Hingham Nursery you will see it, now home to 5th and 6th generation family.
The Rosehill Homestead built in 1863 by Julies Great Great Grandfather, Henry Pratt Harrison.